I've been carrying new, a combination keyboard case and iPad stand, for about a week. It's the first time Apple's Smart Keyboard has been off my iPad Pro since I got it, but I haven't missed it at all. There are still certain situations where I prefer the Smart Keyboard, but I love having the option to work on my iPad with Apple's Magic Keyboard when it suits my needs. So, while I won't be switching to a Magic Keyboard/Canopy combination full-time, it's a choice I'm glad to have and one I will use frequently.
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I used an Incase Origami keyboard case with the original iPad. Apple's previous-generation wireless keyboard was propped up at an angle by a barrel that housed the batteries used to power it.
With the Origami, you popped the barrel of the keyboard into clips on the case to hold it in place. The case was divided into two panels that wrapped around the keyboard and closed with Velcro. The case's name derived from the fact that you could fold back the two free corners of the case and attach them to each other with Velcro to form a pyramid-shaped stand. The case worked well, but it was a bulky solution because Apple's previous-generation wireless keyboard was larger than the current Magic Keyboard. The Incase Origami case (left) and Canopy (right). The Canopy is an evolution of the ideas pioneered by the Oragami case that improves every aspect of it.
The case has a three-panel, hinged design. Laid flat on a table, the Magic Keyboard attaches to the bottom third of the Canopy with micro-suction pads, which Studio Neat uses in some of its other products. If you haven't seen micro-suction pads in action, they have a tacky surface that holds the keyboard in place remarkably well. Better yet, you can remove your keyboard without leaving any residue on it and reattach it without the micro-suction pads losing their stickiness. The exterior of the Canopy is made of what Studio Neat describes as synthetic canvas. It's a nice material that feels durable and has held up well in the week it's been banging around inside my bag. The interior is a microfiber fabric that isn't as soft as the inside of an iPad Smart Cover, but is soft enough to protect the Magic Keyboard.
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The panels themselves are stiff, but flexible; a little like the panels of Apple’s Smart Cover, but thinner. The case wraps around the keyboard and is held shut by a leather strap with a snap. The Canopy closed around Apple's Magic Keyboard. The fit between the Canopy and Magic Keyboard is perfect. The stiff panels surround the keyboard with a small amount of overlap at the edges that helps keep things from hitting the sides of the keyboard.
However, the close fit also means that the Canopy only works with Apple’s Magic Keyboard. Converting the Canopy from a case to a stand is easy. Open the case and fold the two top panels backwards into a triangle. The same strap that holds the Canopy closed as a case attaches with the snap to form the base of the two-panel triangle that acts as a stand. The hinge between your keyboard and the middle panel of the Canopy forms a slot into which you can drop any iOS device. The Canopy features a three-panel design. I've been using the Canopy with my iPad Pro, which fits nicely into the Canopy even with a Smart Cover attached, but any iOS device fits, including an iPhone.
The snap used to secure the Canopy is strong and holds the configuration together well at a fixed angle that is a pleasure for writing. An unexpected benefit of using the Magic Keyboard with my iPad that the Canopy has enabled is access to the function keys. IOS supports adjusting brightness and volume, controlling media playback, and showing and hiding the software keyboard with the Magic Keyboard's top row of keys. It’s a small thing, but I especially like using the media playback keys with my iPad because use them frequently on my Macs. The leather strap and snap hold the top two-thirds of the Canopy together forming a stand. I’ve found that the best way to use the Canopy is at a table or desk where the Canopy sits flat and is stable.
Sliding the Canopy around on a table works well, but in my lap I've run into a couple minor issues. The added friction of sliding the Canopy in my lap sometimes causes the snap to come undone. In addition, when I use the Canopy in my lap, my iPad sits lower in it than it does on a table or in the Smart Keyboard Case, which can make it difficult to swipe up to activate Control Center. The Smart Keyboard doesn’t have the same issue because the iPad sits on top of one of its panels rather than on a flexible hinge. The difference isn't so large that I don't use the Canopy in my lap, but the experience is noticeably better on a flat surface.
I'm not picky about keyboards as long as they are comfortable. That said, I do prefer the feel of the Magic Keyboard to the Smart Keyboard. Before I started using the Canopy, I hadn't considered using a Magic Keyboard with my iPad Pro, but the convenience and elegance of the Canopy has changed that. After a week of heavy use, the Canopy has found a permanent place in my writing kit. I won’t use it every day – many days, the Smart Keyboard will be enough – but when I'm doing a lot of writing, I'm going to carry the Canopy. The typing experience is much closer to what you would find on a MacBook or MacBook Pro, which is sufficiently better than the Smart Keyboard that I bought a new Magic Keyboard to dedicate to the Canopy and my iPad.
Students, writers, and anyone else who spends a lot of time typing into an iOS device should consider the Canopy.
Macintosh Downloads Downloads provided by sourceforge.net This page explains how to install Classic VPython 6, which as of January 2016 is no longer supported; information provided here is of historical interest only. See the of this site for information on using GlowScript VPython or VPython 7. This Macintosh downloads page deals with Classic VPython, based on the standard version of Python available at python.org. Aaron Titus has posted a useful summary of the various ways to including the GlowScript and ivisual varieties. Mac downloads for VPython 6 (see below if you are using Anaconda or Canopy) If you already have a version of VPython 6, it's a good idea to uninstall it before installing the new VPython 6.11. (If you have VPython 5 installed, you need to delete the old folders visual, vis, and vidle from /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages.) First, download and install from python.org.
Second, install This version of VPython requires Python 2.7.x from python.org. VPython will not work with the version of Python 2.7 that is part of the standard OSX, nor will it work with versions of Python other than the one from python.org. Open the VPython installer. If you have an old VPython 6.x installed, uninstall it: Doubleclick vpyuninstall. (Alternatively, you can run 'sudo vpyuninstall.sh' in a Terminal.) You may get the message 'can't be opened because it is from an unidentified developer; your security preferences allow installation of only apps from the Mac App Store and identified developers'.
In this case, go to System Preferences on the Apple menu and choose Security & Privacy. Click the button 'Open Anyway' for the VPython uninstaller. This will start the uninstaller. Now install the new VPython 6.11: You may need to reopen the VPython installer. Doubleclick VPython-Mac-Py2.7-6.11.pkg. You may get the message 'can't be opened because it is from an unidentified developer; your security preferences allow installation of only apps from the Mac App Store and identified developers'.
In this case, go to System Preferences on the Apple menu and choose Security & Privacy. Click the button 'Open Anyway' for the VPython installer.
This will start the installer. Third, if you have not previously installed VPython 6.x, install. Ctrl-click the ActiveTcl-8.6.pkg icon and choose Open. If asked, then click the Open button.
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When asked where to install, choose your computer disk. After installation, drag the installer folder from the Desktop to the Trash. This repairs a problem with the Tcl library needed by Python.
These are 'universal' installers for 32-bit and 64-bit Macintosh computers, usable with OSX 10.6 or later. If you are using the Enthought version of Python 2.7 on a Macintosh, you can use. There is an older for Python 3.2. Installing for Anaconda If you are using the, you can install VPython by typing the following in a Terminal ( but only for Python 2.7): conda install -c mwcraig vpython Installing for Canopy If you're using the, you can install a 'binary wheel' version of the visual package along with the support packages: Polygon, FontTools and TTFQuery. First, use the Canopy Package Manager to install wxPython-2.9 or later.
Next, in the Canopy application, choose the menu item: Tools - Canopy Terminal You should see a terminal window with a command line prompt that starts with '(Canopy 64bit)' and ends in '$'. In the terminal, type (or copy/paste) these commands: pip install pip install pip install pip install Finally try typing: pythonw -c 'import visual; visual.sphere' You should see a window with a white sphere. How to run VPython. In /Applications, doubleclick VIDLE-Py2.7.
Do not use the Python IDLE editor with VPython 6. On the File menu choose Open and choose an example program - for example, bounce2.py.
Press F5 to run, or use the Run menu. (Depending on preferences, you may need to press fn-F5.).
Every time you run, your files are automatically saved (if you have changed them). Choose VPython on the Help menu for documentation. Ctrl button or right button drag to rotate the 'camera' to view a 3D scene. Alt button or middle button to drag up or down to zoom in or out. On a two-button mouse, middle is left + right.
Compatibility with the future and the past We encourage you to place the following statement at the start of your programs, in order that your program will run not only on Python 2.7 today, but also will run in the future on the newer Python 3.x series. Note the double underscore before 'future' and the double underscore after 'future'. From future import printfunction, division For Python 2.7, this statement invokes the new Python 3.x print format, namely 'print(x)' instead of the old 'print x', and the new division scheme, namely that 3/4 is 0.75, not zero as in the past. This statement is ignored by Python 3.x.
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Changes from VPython 5: With VPython 6 you must include a rate statement in animation loops, and you must import visual or vis before importing graph or controls or filedialog. Conditions of use The Polygon module distributed with VPython may not be used except with VPython. Here's why: In support of the text and extrusion objects, the Windows installer includes some modules that include Polygon, for which the following conditions apply: 'Polygon is being distributed subject to the following conditions: This distribution contains code from the GPC Library, and/or code resulting from the use of the GPC Library. This usage has been authorized by The University of Manchester, on the understanding that the GPC-related features are used only in the context of this distribution. It is not permitted to extract the GPC code from the distribution as the basis for commercial exploitation, unless a GPC Commercial Use Licence is obtained from The University of Manchester, contact: What is installed The VPython installer installs the vis, visual, and visualcommon modules, the numpy, FontTools, Polygon, and ttfquery modules needed by VPython, and VIDLE, an improved version of the IDLE program editor, in /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages. A shortcut to VIDLE is placed in /Applications/VPython-Py2.7. Materials such as wood Materials such as wood will work with graphics cards that support Pixel Shader 3.0 ('PS 3.0').
Some materials may work with graphics cards that support PS 2.0, but other materials may need to be manually disabled: in the Finder, click the icon for your hard drive and follow the path Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/vis. In that folder, edit the file site-settings.py to disable shaders.
If the graphics hardware does not support pixel shaders, the material property is ignored. If you think you should be able to use materials but have trouble with their display or performance, we highly recommend upgrading your video card drivers to the latest version. Python 3 It is currently not feasible to run VPython 6 on Python 3, though it is hoped that this will be possible in the future. If you must use Python 3, you can use an older version 5.74 of VPython: First, download and install the pure 32-bit Python, from python.org Second, download and install of VPython are available Fink distribution: At you will find many open source packages for the Mac, including which is a Fink package corresponding to VPython 5.40. Fink packages use the X11 window manager and are Unix-oriented, so the look and feel is different from native Mac applications.
VPython for the older PowerPC Macs Steve Spicklemire has built.